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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval


Inteleq Inc.

IQ/CIMS combines the powers of full text and document image processingproducts to create a full-fledged information storage and retrievalsystem.IQ/CIMS is capable of tracking and managing not only images and text, butalso audio, video, and relational database management system (RDBMS)information. With IQ/CIMS' workflow automation features, you can trackand route information either automatically or interactively. You canretrieve information not only by traditional "index" methods, but also bythe information's content.IQ/CIMS combines all the elements involved in information processing,including scanners, OCR, printers, and archival media.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: VME-based workstation system, SBus-based workstation system
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Inteleq Inc.
768 Walker Rd Suite 227
Great Falls, VA 22066
Phone: (703) 757-7592
Fax: (703) 757-7593